
Nginx Global Server Settings

NetBeans 7.4 Installation Failure On OSX 10.9 Mavericks

Git Change Default Commit Editor

MSSQL Cross Database Query

MySQL multi table delete by one SQL query

Rename A Git Branch

Show Full Git Log When Path/File Used git mv

Git Development Cycle

Git remove both remote and local branch

unlock .git folder when folder is unknow locked on OSX

Share windows folder to CentOS 6.4 on VirtualBox 4.2.12

Git Merge two defferent repo and keep both repo history

javascript text clock using jQuery

SQL Group BY 10 Minutes

ssh-keygen for creating your own SSH key

Auto Mount Windows network folder sharing to CentOS via Samba

CentOS create a user and into wheel group,then let the user can using sudo command

Share OSX folder through NFS to CentOS

入手大型重型機車 Yamaha Tmax 530 FAQ

CentOS LNMP(Linux Nginx MySQL PHP) minimal install

CentOS chkconfig 應用

OSX 10.8 Autoload brew Installed memcached 1.4.15

OSX 10.8 Autoload brew Installed MySQL 5.5.28